MID 2014/32/EC
DIRECTIVE 2014/32/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of measuring instruments.
This Directive applies to the measuring instruments defined in the instrument-specific Annexes III to XII (hereinafter ‘instrument-specific Annexes’) concerning water meters (MI- 001), gas meters and volume conversion devices (MI-002), active electrical energy meters (MI-003), thermal energy meters (MI-004), measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of quantities of liquids other than water (MI-005), automatic weighing instruments (MI-006), taximeters (MI-007), material measures (MI-008), dimensional measuring instruments (MI-009) and exhaust gas analysers (MI-010).
This Directive establishes the requirements that measuring instruments have to satisfy with a view to their being made available on the market and/or put into use for the measuring tasks referred to in Article 3(1).
Ten kinds of measuring instruments
1、water meter 2、gas meter 3、energy meter 4、heat meter 5、liquid table (except water) 6、automatic weighing 7、taxi meter 8、material measuring instruments 9、multi-size measurement measuring instruments 10、exhaust gas measuring instrument
MID certification requirements and scope
Measuring instruments are used in public interest, health, safety, order, environmental protection, consumer protection, travel, taxation, tariffs, etc. All of these are in principle required to meet the requirements of MID. In the actual operation process, MID main specifications are as follows:
Authentication Mode:
Mode A is based on the internal production management of the DoC (A1 = + specified agency product test)
Mode B specifies the type of inspection of the organization
Mode G is based on the DoC of a single product certification by a designated authority
Mode H is based on a comprehensive quality assurance system for DoC (A1 = + designated organization's product test)
Mode C is based on the internal production management of the type of DoC
(C1 = + product testing of the specified organization)
Mode D is based on the type of QA production process
(D1 = production process based on DoC)
Mode E based on QA's final product inspection and testing of the type of DoC
(E1 = DoC based on QA final product inspection and testing)
Mode F is a type of DoC based on the product certification of the specified organization
(A1 = DoC based on the type of product certification of the specified organization)
Standard List
Address:Room 118,Building 20,No.83, North Hongxiang Road, Pudong District, Shanghai